
28 Replies
17 Topics
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5 years ago

Change Time Zone for the Report from Hexnode MDM

When I receive emails about out of compliance devices the time is way off. How do I adjust the time when receiving email notifications? Ok this is for iOS notifications. I wanted to change the time on the email notifications that arrive in my inbox when a device is out of compliance. That email arrived…

7 years ago

Location Reports on a group of Sales Reps

<span style="font-weight: 400;">I'm trying to run individual location reports on a group of Sales Reps (not all the users in my hexnode portal). Is there a way we can do this? Also if there is a way it can show it on a map that would be great. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">2. I'd like to set…

2 years ago

Report on devices which haven't reported location in X days

Hello- We require our users to turn on location services so we can see where our devices are (mostly iphones and ipads), and the location service is turned on at enrollement. The issue is that many users turn that off later and we are running into issues where users have lost devices and we are…

5 years ago

Active & Inactive Report

Dear Support, Date column should be added active and inactive devices report. We hope you will consider about this in future updates. Thank you.

5 years ago

Additional Column to Choose from in Device Reports

Would it be possible to add another column to the available columns in Device Reports? Currently there are 23 columns to choose from (Name, Type, Enrolled Time, WiFi MAC Address, etc.). It would be very beneficial for us to have the WiFi SSID column availble in Device Reports. The WiFi SSID field is located in…

6 years ago

Battery Reporting

I would like to be able to view the history of battery level reports and receive notifications when they reach specific levels.

6 years ago

Group "Location History" Report by user

Very hard to read the report because it is sorted by most recent check-in.  If we want to see where all our users were at a certain time, or at least the MOST RECENT location of each, the report would be useful

7 years ago

Two way messenger with reporting feature

Hey..We are looking for a 2 way messenger that supports  group chat . all conversations should be kept track of  and shown on reporting. Do you have such function in your software apps ?