
Want to unleash the full potential of macOS? Engage in discussions and find solutions to your queries. Managing macOS devices has never been more exciting!

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4 weeks ago

Mobile Users not created via AD Asset Binding on Mac

Hi, I've been having an issue with Hexnode’s AD Asset Binding Policy on my Mac. The policy is supposed to create a mobile user account, instead it's creating a network user account. I'm not sure what's causing this or how to fix it. Could you provide some info on how to resolve this?

2 months ago

Download files without browser

Hello! Our organization has recently implemented app whitelisting on our Macs to make them dedicated for specific tasks. This has improved security and made things smoother, but we are facing an issue with users needing to download specific files. Allowing general browser access for downloading files is not feasible due to security concerns. So, we're…

3 months ago

Unable to install pkg via script

Hello there! I've recently encountered an issue while attempting to install an app in pkg format to my Mac via a script from the Hexnode portal. The action history tab indicates a successful installation of the app, but the output reveals that it failed, accompanied by the following error message: The installation failed. (The Installer…

5 months ago

OneDrive not syncing with the Mac

Hey! I successfully pushed OneDrive to my fourteen Mac devices via Hexnode. However, when attempting to sign in, I encountered the following error message: OneDrive Files On-Demand didn't start. Please restart your computer and try again. Error code: -1912600610. I suspect there might be a problem with the app installation from Hexnode. If anyone has…

2 years ago

Slack Integration

Dear Team, A slack integration could be really useful for generating alerts. All alerts and notifications can be easily notified to a channel or an IT admin.Saves the time to check emails or Hexnode dashboard. Cheers Ceetus

3 years ago

Terminal for macOS or / Remote Desktop

It would be great to have a terminal / remote desktop for mac to directly control the user device. Because have a little troublesome when using Custom Script to fix/install software for user.

4 years ago

MacOS AppCatalog - Download / Install progressbar

It would be really nice to have a progress bar for the macOS App Catalog. So when i click on the desired App i can see the installation progress and also a confirmation once it is done. Just like the Managed Software Update application for Munki.   Also the "installed" banner is not really appealing.

4 years ago

Policies/Custom Profiles for macOS & iOS Devices

Will there be changes to reflect the new profile customizations in Mojave, Catalina, and Big Sur in policies? Will there be a roadmap to be able to import custom profile configurations in to a policy so that we can further lock down and customize the look and feel to the end user?

6 years ago

Terminal - Shell Commands

Hi, We would like to have Terminal feature in Hexnode portal. So we could able to monitor devices deployed remotely. e.g. Running logcat command to check device/app performance, manage files in storage, etc. Thanks