Apple TV

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37 Replies
12 Topics
2 months ago

Can I set up a Start-up application on Apple TV?

Hey all! We have a few Apple TVs set up on our production line to display instructions for the line workers. Our enterprise application plays these instructions line by line, repeating for a set period of time. Now, we have a new requirement: we need our enterprise application to launch automatically on startup. Is there…

1 year ago

Apple TV - Kiosk Mode - delayed app after restart

Kiosk mode would work perfectly for our manufacturing plant if after reboot, the app would delay from opening for a specified amount of time. The problem we are facing is the app opens before networking (wifi) is established and the app goes into an error which requires the end-user to click retry. If we had…

3 years ago

Display message on apple tv Solved

Hey guys, we really wanna find a way to display custom messages on the apple tvs we have in our conference rooms. All we want is to configure something sort of a custom welcome message when the device has internet connectivity and it should display that message even when the tv is offline...If anyone got…

4 years ago

Identifying multiple Apple Tv

Is there a way to add some identifier for Apple TV devices. We use multiple apple tv for our programs and users are assigned a device for the duration of the program. Now, we just stick a paper with some number and we direct users to their allocated apple tv. Any feature to help users…

4 years ago

Wipe multiple Apple TVs at once

We have some Apple TV devices in our possession which we need to reset frequently after deploying them in events. It consumes a lot of time, and doing it from a single place without manual involvement would be a great improvement for us. Does Hexnode have the feature?

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