SMS settings in HexnodeSolved

4 years ago

To send the enrollment requests via SMS, where should I set the SMS details in hexnode?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Grady,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

You would be able to configure the SMS server in the Hexnode portal from Admin -> SMS Settings.

The following settings need to be configured:

Vendor: Select the required Vendor from the drop-down list. The available Vendors are Twilio, Nexmo, Sinch, and SMPP

The remaining settings will depend on the Vendor selected.

For Twilio, this includes the Account ID, AuthToken, and Sender Phone No.

For Nexmo and Sinch, the key, secret, and Sender Phone No need to be configured.

In the case of SMPP, the SMSC ID, SMPP host, SMPP Port, Sender Phone No and Password needs to be configured.

Check out the link to know more: 

Eva Tyler
Hexnode MDM
