Not able to add Admin account in HexnodeSolved

5 years ago

I am trying to add an additional admin account to our subscription but I can’t seem to find the option I am unsure if this is a limitation of the license applied.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

To find the option to create a new admin, please navigate to Admin-> Technicians and Roles. Click on ‘Add technician’ and the options to configure a new technician will appear.

The number of technicians you can configure will depend on the plan you have subscribed to. For each plan there is a default number of technicians allowed.
If this is the reason that you are not able to add new technician, you can purchase extra technicians from the Hexnode portal itself.

Number of technicians allowed for different plans:

Express: Only Super Admin is allowed.
Pro: Super Admin and one other active technician is allowed.
Enterprise: Super Admin and two other active technicians are allowed.
Ultimate: Super Admin and three other active technicians are allowed.
Ultra: Super Admin and four other active technicians are allowed.

To add extra technicians, navigate to Admin-> License-> Upgrade/Renew and click on +Add more technicians. Specify the additional number of technicians needed and click Save Changes. Please note that for each additional technician, you will have to pay $30/month or $300/year based on your subscription type.

Check out the help doc on Configuring technicians for more info.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
