Does the license count change when a device is re-enrolled?Solved

5 years ago

I have a device that had one licence but needed to Fabric Reset
my doubt would be
I reinstall the MDM
so that will cause my licence count decreased by one again?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

When the device is reset, the Hexnode app or profile will be removed from the device. This will make the device non-compliant.
Navigate to Admin-> Enrollment-> Re-enrollment options. You will be able to see the below two options:

  • Enroll as a new device: When this option is enabled in the portal and the device is re-enrolled, the device gets enrolled as a new device. This might lead to the device creating two entries and thus take up two licenses. However, previously, if the device is completely removed from the device list in the Manage tab, duplicate entries won’t be created on re-enrollment.
  • Retain configurations and change owner: On enabling this option, all the configurations set on the device would be retained and the device would not be creating a new entry in the Manage tab.

Please make sure you enable the ‘Retain configurations and change owner’ option to make sure that you do not lose your licenses. Click here to know more.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM
