Disk encryption option for Linux (debian/ubuntu)Solved

2 weeks ago

Our developers mainly use MacOS. However, there are a few that would like to run linux. We have certain policies in our organization that describe the requirements that need to be met inorder to use in this case operating systems.

A big one is making sure that de disks are encrypted and the encryption key is stored. 

It would be nice to see this implemented in a similar way to windows/MacOS with their bitlocker/filevault policies.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
2 weeks ago
Marked SolutionPending Review


Thank you for reaching out to Hexnode Connect and sharing your valuable thoughts.

We understand your need for disk encryption and escrowing the encryption key for Linux devices. We will raise this case as a feature request to the concerned teams on your behalf. It will be evaluated based on priority and demand, and we will surely reach out to you when there is an update.

Feel free to reach out if you have any further queries, we’re happy to help! You’re always welcome to share your ideas on Hexnode Connect.

Hexnode UEM
