How to add favorites in Microsoft Edge on MacSolved

6 months ago

Hello all,

At present, all our employees use Microsoft Edge for work, and we have some organizational websites that need to be accessed frequently. We need those websites to be pinned or set as favorites. Is there a feature in Hexnode we can use to do this?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
6 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @margaret ,

Thank you for reaching out. Currently, Hexnode does not have a feature that fulfills your requirement. Although, you can use the following configuration profile to set up managed favorites in Microsoft Edge on Mac.

Replace the name ‘Hexnode’ with your website name in the configuration profile and replace the URL ‘Enter Your URL’ with your own. Additionally, you can add more websites to your favorites by inserting the following after each website entry:

You can deploy the above configuration profile with the help of Hexnode’s Deploy Custom Configuration policy for macOS devices.

I hope this helps. Just say the word if you need anything else.

John Cooper
Hexnode UEM
