
[Infographic] Remote monitoring and management FAQs

Jayden Traoré

Sep 7, 2021

1 min read

[Infographic] Remote monitoring and management FAQs

Remote monitoring and management with Hexnode UEM is necessary for enterprises looking to extend remote work for at least a part of their workforce. Hexnode UEM provides a comprehensive endpoint management solution that admins can monitor and manage from a single console. In comparison, the typical RMM tools usually only solve a part of the organization’s remote management needs.

Some of the critical features of Hexnode’s RMM solution are:

    • Remote enrollment
    • Managing password policies
    • Enforcing device restrictions
    • Configuring network settings
    • Remote actions
    • Managing apps and their deployment
    • Custom scripting
    • Monitoring device compliance
    • Real-time location tracking
    • Reports and audits

Implementing remote monitoring and management with Hexnode UEM yields better security, higher productivity, and many other benefits for businesses. Check out our infographic that answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding remote monitoring and management.

Jayden Traoré

Product Evangelist @ Hexnode. Sometimes, I have the feeling I live in a story: a magnificent story written by a mediocre writer living off coffee and technology.