Explainedback-iconAndroid Device Managementback-iconWhat is Android Enterprise Recommended?

What is Android Enterprise Recommended?

The number of different Android models in the market is unreasonably high and keeping track of every device and choosing the right device to be used in your enterprise can be a real brain teaser. 

Google came up with the Android Enterprise Recommended program to ease the task of choosing Android devices and device management solutions for organizations. 

Get the most out of Android Enterprise using Hexnode integrations

Google came up with a set of requirements for devices, EMMs, and MSPs that are essential for enterprises to manage their devices. Android Enterprise Recommended program provides a list of devices, EMMs, and MSPs that satisfy these requirements. 

Android Enterprise Recommended requirements, make it possible for organizations to find out if EMMs provide basic Android Enterprise functionalities like work profile management, full device management, and dedicated device management. 

Google recognizes EMMs as Enterprise Recommended only if they provide detailed documents or guides on Android Enterprise features provided by the EMM. Google mandates that the EMMs must have support staff specially trained to handle Android Enterprise-related issues to get the recommended badge. Using Google’s Android Enterprise Recommended program organizations could find out Android devices and device management solutions that would be best suited for their needs. 

Hexnode UEM is one such management tool that satisfies all the Android enterprise requirements.Â